GP Accessories List

Provided by CLMA Members

Following is a list of GP accessoriess provided by CLMA members.

DMV Corporation


GP Lens Removers Use Colors
DMV Ultra Removal and insertion of GP lenses Aqua, Lavender, Orange, White
DMV 45 Removal and insertion of GP lenses. Handle is off-set 45 degrees. Aqua
DMV Magic Touch Stick-proof removal and insertion of GP lenses Aqua, Lavender, White, Yellow
DMV Classic Removal and insertion of GP lenses for hard-to-manage lenses Light Green
DMV Original Stronghold Modification and polishing Dark Green
DMV Super Stronghold Modification and polishing Light Green Insert
Dark Green Bulb
DMV Oil-Resistant Stronghold Modification and polishing Red
8MM Convex Insert & Bulb Holds the back curve of the lens during polishing Dark Green
8MM Extrahold Insert & Bulb Holds the front curve of the lens during polishing Dark Green
9.5MM Large Diameter Concave Insert Holds the front curve of the lens during polishing Dark Green
DMV Luma-Serter Aids people with poor vision to insert their lenses. Fits onto disposable penlight. Aqua, Dark Blue, Lavender, White
DMV Large Scleral Cup Removes scleral lenses or prosthetic eyes Aqua, Dark Blue, Red, White
DMV Magna Mirror Helps to find dislodged lenses or inspect eye for infection or inflammation Aqua, Lavender, White, Yellow
DMV Technician’s Helper Manipulation of lenses during polishing White
Spinner Holds lens for changing power or polishing edges Black
Penlight Disposable and can be used with DMV Luma-Serter White
Deep Well Cases Storage case for contact lenses White

Note: Products are available from most labs or directly from DMV Corporation.