Laboratory Consultant FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Working With a Contact Lens Laboratory ConsultantWorking with a Laboratory Consultant
Benefits of Your Laboratory Consultant
- How can a laboratory consultant help my contact lens practice?
- Do you offer online consultation? If not, when is the best time for me to call and receive prompt assistance with a patient?
Information You Can Provide to the Laboratory Consultant
- What information should I provide?
- How valuable are corneal topography images?
Resources Your Laboratory Consultant Can Provide
- What resources are provided by a CLMA member laboratory?
Laboratory Consultants’ Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- What GP lens material do you recommend?
- Plasma treatment of GP lenses: What is it, and what are the benefits?
- What is Tangible Hydra-PEG, and how is it beneficial?
- What causes plasma treatment/lens coatings to become ineffective?
- How should I handle poor initial wettability?
- If poor wettability occurs over time, what should I do?
Lens Design Selection for High Astigmatism
- When should I use a bitoric lens design?
GP Multifocal Applications and Troubleshooting
- What should I consider when choosing the lens design?
- What information should I provide the laboratory consultant?
Keratoconus and Irregular Cornea Management
- How do I choose lenses for a keratoconic patient?
- When should I use a quadrant-specific lens design?
- When should I use a piggyback design, and which lens materials should I use?
Scleral Lens Applications and Resources
- When should I consider a scleral lens, and how can my consultant help me with these cases?
- What resources can help increase my knowledge about scleral lens designs?
Corneal Reshaping Applications and Resources
- I have a young progressive myopic patient. Do you recommend corneal reshaping? If so, how can you help me, and what do I need to provide you?
- What resources can help increase my knowledge about corneal reshaping lens designs?