Scleral Lenses

Education by Lens Type


Scleral Lens Troubleshooting FAQ

This PDF provides valuable, practical information on scleral lens fitting and problem-solving.

Scleral Lens Fit Scales

Provided by Michigan College of Optometry.

Sample Brochure

For medically necessary lenses.

Sample Insurance Letter

For medically necessary lenses.

Contact Lens Clinical Pocket Guide

Helpful for fitting or evaluating patients; view as a smart phone-ready PDF or order a printed copy.

GP Video Lecture Series

A six-part video lecture series about keratoconus, GP initial comfort, and pediatric fitting techniques.

Vertex and Diopters-to-Base-Curve Conversion Charts

A digital version of the useful charts that appear in the Contact Lens Clinical Pocket Guide.

Scleral Lens Education Society

This website also offers patient education, including an excellent scleral insertion and removal video.