SPOTLIGHT ON EDUCATION: A Guide to Orthokeratology Success

Dr. Morrison’s presentation represented an excellent overview to all of the essentials to being successful in practice with orthokeratology. It was very contemporary and included a number of essential clinical pearls to both be successful in fitting patients into orthokeratology while also showing you how to incorporate it into everyday practice. It was very well supplemented with excellent graphics, including videos of fits. An outline of this presentation included the following:
Important introductory basic information about orthokeratology
- What is orthokeratology and how does it work
- Lens parameters and their interaction
Tutorial to fit and manage orthokeratology (includes cases)
- Equipment (in addition to standard testing)
- To include corneal topography (and what maps are important and why) and profilometry
- Axial length measurement: more challenging to assess progression without this measurement
- Selecting good candidates
- Non-refractive considerations
- Refractive considerations
- Fitting lenses
- Different types of fitting methods
- What constitutes an optimum fit
- Lens dispense and handling
- Tests to perform
- Solutions
- Handling guidelines
- Follow-up appointments and lens modifications
- Follow-up schedule
- What to perform at 24 hour visit
- Safety considerations and common complication management
- What the literature says about safety
- Adherence
- Tips for staff training
- Staff training and education
- How the staff can partner with your practice for orthokeratology success
- Practice management
- How orthokeratology can help build your practice
- Resources – including the GPLI – to help your orthokeratology practice
Closing clinical pearls for orthokeratology success