GP Lens Management Guide – 3

Spherical GP Fitting and Problem-Solving

In fitting bifocal lenses, there is not an infinite number of fitting and problem-solving guidelines to follow; in fact, very few are necessary. The GPLI Advisory Committee, comprised of highly competent GP fitting practitioners, have indicated it only takes an average of three fits to feel comfortable with any given bifocal design. A helpful fitting aid is the “Bifocal Fitting & Troubleshooting Video” available from the CLMA (1-800-344-9060).

Fitting Pearls

  • Provide all options, but emphasize bifocals:
    • Distance GP lenses + reading glasses
    • Monovision
    • Bifocal GPs
  • Assess motivation
    • Advise patient of a possible slight compromise in vision vs. spectacles
    • If extremely critical vision demand, may not be a good candidate
  • Explain dynamics of bifocal GPs
    • There are two types of GP presbyopic correction:
      • One similar to no-line spectacles (simultaneous aspheric designs)
      • The other is a weighted design and sits on or near the lower lid and shifts up with downward gaze (translating designs)
    • These are dynamic pieces of plastic that, unlike spectacles, move with the blink; therefore, achieving a good fit is critical
    • It may take a lens exchange or two and up to 6-8 weeks to become adjusted to these lenses
    • If patient and motivated, it is highly likely that success will be obtained

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